The End Time Bible

The End Time Bible (ETB) and Bible for Today (BT) are modern and accessible Bible for everyone. It uses today’s language to make reading the Bible easy and enjoyable. It avoids the ancient and confusing language of some older versions of the Bible…

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Felix Jegede, PhD

The writer is simply a messenger, not the author. God is the author and sender of His messages. The writer’s assignment by The LORD, for this generation is to alert all the peoples in the world, and especially those who are of The LORD, awaiting His trumpet call.

The writer initiated nothing, receiving the visions, revelations, understanding, interpretation and direction as given him by God. The writer has no message of his own. He is merely the deliverer, like the mail person, a mere messenger of no consequence. He is a mere dust, who is insignificant. He is like a typist, writing down as he received…

Part1 of 2: Healing By Faith versus Medicine. Is one right and the other bad? What does The Bible Say? Do not over spiritualize and know how not to pray amiss. Avoid deception in the end time. Scriptural references from End Time Bible (ETB) and Bible for Today (BT).

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