About Writer
Felix Jegede, PhD

The writer is simply a messenger, not the author. God is the author and sender of His messages. The writer’s assignment by The LORD, for this generation is to alert all the peoples in the world, and especially those who are of The LORD, awaiting His trumpet call.
The writer initiated nothing, receiving the visions, revelations, understanding, interpretation and direction as given him by God. The writer has no message of his own. He is merely the deliverer, like the mail person, a mere messenger of no consequence. He is a mere dust, who is insignificant. He is like a typist, writing down as he received. He is also like a loud speaker, which is only assigned to echo what the Master, the Speaker, The LORD is saying to this generation in their end time. The loud speaker cannot add to or remove from what it is receiving. The loud speaker cannot of its own move from where it is kept until the owner, the Master, repositions it, if necessary. This is how this writer should be viewed. He lives in the suburb of Houston, USA with his wife and children. Had also lived in Africa and Europe, and traveled to many countries in Asia, Central and South America, and Middle East. He works among various Pastors, Churches, Groups and individuals to help them have greater understand of the Bible and the end time events.
More About The Writer’s Journey To His Assignment:
God is the sovereign Creator who knew us all before we were created, (Jeremiah 1:5). We would not have been created if God has no plan or purpose for each person. And at the right time God calls us into the fulfillment of the purpose of our creation for His glory. We may respond in obedience or refuse in disobedience. Each have their end reward.
The time God calls a person to start the assignment may be early, like He did with Samuel, Jeremiah, John The Baptist or Yeshua The Messiah, also known as Jesus Christ. It may be later like He did with Noah, Abraham, Moses, Aaron, Elisha, and many others.
But ahead of us fulfilling our own specific assignments for His glory, God trains and shapes each of us as may be necessary. This has been the same for the writer of the End Time Bible, ETB and the six(6) prophetic End Time Books. He was shaped by four things that happened in his life over a period of forty years. They were not immediately obvious until he began to write.
First is the family, going back to three generations. From as little as when he was four or five years old, he was being stirred by the Holy Spirit to speak for The LORD about salvation. The great sacrificial work, time and resources of his grandparents for The LORD served as an example, and provided the early foundation for him. His grandfather was a missionary, who fervently and zealously evangelized for The LORD, preaching the gospel in his time. This was despite the great risk and threats of death to his life among the heathen community. His grandmother also served The LORD alongside his grandfather. She was also a teacher, and the women’s leader in the Church in her time. The Church they started and built with a school, along with a few others in their time are more than a Century old. It is now a Cathedral. Over the years, many people have gone through the school and Church and became believers in The LORD. His grandfather died before the grandmother. And about a year before the grandmother died, she picked him out of many other children for a unique dedicated assignment. He was just about five years old then. The grandmother would call him every time she was going to the church services, morning, evening or midweek. She would place her Bible and Hymn book on his head, and ask him to stay close as she went with him to the church services. She died before he was seven years old. By her actions and what happened many years later, she was most probably prophetically acting on the prompting of The Holy Spirit. A sign, a pointer to the future special assignment God has for him. But the time for his special assignment by The LORD had not yet come, at that time.
Then as he grew up, he went on to study, earning a Ph.D in Chemical Engineering in England UK. After this, he worked in Cambridge, UK for many years, before moving to the USA with his wife and children. During these times, over the years, he had also been travelling extensively to many countries in the other continents of the world including Asia, Central and South America, Middle East and Australia.
These were not mere coincidence. For The opportunities and his exposure to so many different cultures and peoples in the world has been part of God’s plan to shape him. His training and practice in science and engineering equipped him with the skills needed to diligently search and verify the truth about things. Little did he know God would assign him to write the end time books and the End Time Bible. This was after he had settled down, with his wife and four children, in the suburb of Houston, USA. And all these experiences and skills came in useful. And while many scientists like to disprove the existence of God by their human theories, hypothesis and knowledge, he has been able to use it to confirm the existence of God and of His Truth!
The third thing that happened is the prophecy followed some years later. He had received a very powerful prophesy from a prophet of God, a Jew, from the house of David of the tribe of Judah. Both of them met each other, for the first time ever, in Florida. Like total strangers in the physical, but connected in the Spirit. This was well before he wrote any book. The prophesy was about how The LORD had specially set him apart, for God’s special work for the end time. Even more striking was that like Moses and Apostle Paul in their times, he would be used by The LORD for the end time. Moses was the greatest prophet, not taught by any human but by God Himself. Moses received directly from God and wrote The Torah in The Old Testament. Similarly, Apostle Paul was also one of the greatest Apostles of The LORD. He was taught and received directly from The LORD Himself. He went on to write one-third of The New Testament. And besides, the Scripture, The Bible, consisting of The Old and New Testaments was already completed, and sealed. So, who else could be used like these two great giants of The LORD of their times. These made the prophecy all the more puzzling to him and he continued to ponder what it all meant.
And finally, sometime later, at the right time, according to God’s planning and grace, there occurred the first bodily appearance of The LORD to him. Until then he did not know God would assign him to deliver The LORD’s end time messages to this generation. From then on, he continued to receive several visions from The LORD on various aspects about the end time. Then he became like someone pregnant in his belly and restless with fire in his bones, with the word of God for the end time. This was when he embarked on writing them down in the prophetic end time books, a total of six volumes. And despite their sizes, none is a repeat of the other. They are each unique according to the messages and the visions in them. At the end of the first one, he thought he was done. But then restlessness continued with more profound visions and visitations of The LORD. So he wrote the second, then the third, and it continued until the sixth book was finished.
And as concerning the End Time Bible, ETB, he also did not know he would be working on it, until The LORD, who is also called The WORD of God, appeared by Himself to assign him to write it, for this generation. Now we have God’s Word, the End Time Bible, in today’s simple language for all to read and understand. We also have the six end time books, providing detailed understanding for the events to come in the end time. They also include difficult verses or areas of the Bible, and some age-old questions, that have been difficult until now for people to understand.
And by a special grace and mercy, God The Father, as well as the Son and the Holy Spirit, have appeared to him, face to face in bodily form together. And at other times separately, or just two of them, such as The Father and The Son together. The writer has thus become a living witness of the existence of All The Three in One, who are of The Same, just as the Scripture says. He has had the special grace and mercy also to hear and receive messages directly from them, and at other times through His angels, for the world in this end time. This is for God’s glory, His Name, His Kingdom and for the salvation of souls to populate His Kingdom.
Indeed, The LORD does nothing, such as will affect humankind or the earth, until He first reveals it to His servants, (Amos 3:7). For God reveals or says what He will do before He does them, so that when He is doing them, we know it is as He had forewarned. He did this in the time of Noah, repeatedly warning them, before the flood, (Genesis 6:13-14). He did the same in the time of Abraham and Lot before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, (Genesis 18:17-19). He is again doing so in our own time, before the end that is fast approaching.
Through the six end time books, and other revelations through His Servants, God is forewarning us of what He is about to do in the end time of this generation.
The writer’s assignment by The LORD, for this generation is to alert all who are awaiting His trumpet call. The writer has no message of his own. The writer bears no title except that he is only a mere servant and messenger of The LORD. God is the author and sender of His messages. The deliverer is like the mail person, a mere messenger of no consequence. This is how this writer should be viewed. He is a mere dust, who is insignificant. He is like a typist, writing down as he received. He is like a loud speaker, which is only assigned to echo what the Master, the Speaker, The LORD is saying to us for the end time. The loud speaker cannot add to or remove from what it is receiving. The loud speaker cannot of its own move from where it is kept until the owner, the Master, repositions it, if necessary.
The end time books and the End Time Bible, ETB are for the benefit of the entire world, and especially of Church, the Body of The LORD. And the Body consists of Jews and Gentiles alike, in The End Time as He prepares to come back. The Jews and Gentiles alike will be purified together as one for Him, by what is to come. The works are ultimately for the Glory of God, His Name, His Kingdom and for the salvation of souls to populate His Kingdom.
And The LORD is diligent. He leaves no room for excuses or stone uncovered, untouched. The End Time Bible is for the purpose of completeness and simplicity, and the preservation of His Word without alteration from Genesis 1:1 to the end of Revelation 22:21. It is for His Body and all the people on the earth to understand. This is so that there will be no ignorance or excuses by the people. The End Time is about the harvest of souls for The Kingdom of God.
There will be a great celebration and rejoicing in the end. And prophetically, this servant of God still has the last segment of The LORD’s assignment do deliver for the world, after the End Time Books and The Bible. He is working on it and in due time, at God’s timing, will be released for the world. In the meantime, he continues to work with various Pastors, Churches, Groups and individuals to help them have greater understand of the Bible and the end time events.
The end time is the time of God’s harvest of souls. For He is like a farmer, who has planted and diligent in His care for the crops. It is now harvest time. And many, many, many millions, and the exact number counted is in billions, will be saved. They will come from different nations, religions, races, languages, backgrounds, etc into the Kingdom of God. And it is all to the Glory of God The Father, His Name and Righteous Kingdom through His Only Begotten Son. For in the very end, after The LORD is finished with His plans and harvest for the end time, they will all be given a single, pure language, and together they will call on The Nam of The LORD, serve Him and worship Him in unity, with one accord.