Celebrating God's Faithfulness In The End Time
This book, “Celebrating God’s Faithfulness In The End Time”, reveals the coming End Time Harvest Celebrations and Feasts of the Lord. God has planned these Feasts for His household, from the very beginning of creation. God will harvest and fulfill in the End Time each of the Feasts He originally commanded the Israelites of Old to celebrate, being shadows of end time. God will Himself give each of the Seven Feasts their full meaning in the End Time, as revealed in the book.
The celebrations are focused on the Lord’s household, which has four groups or compositions in end time. Each believer will discover which group they belong. As confirmed with both God’s word and vision shown to author, two groups will only narrowly make the celebrations after being given a second chance. One group will not be part of the celebrations, and have no second chance.
In the meantime, the Church being in a lukewarm state, is abusing the earthly harvests the Lord has given to celebrate till His return. The pulpit and worshippers alike, have gone astray from doing what pleases God, regarding His original and end time intent and purpose for Offerings, Thanksgiving, Tithing, and Giving. The pursuit of money, wealth and prosperity in the end time have become the focus, basis and measure of faith of most pulpits. The joy from the good news of salvation, righteousness, eternal life, heaven, rapture and the second coming of the Lord is relegated to the background. Therefore, it is important for the Church and believers alike to fully understand God’s original and end time desire and purposes for Tithing, Offering, Thanksgiving, and Free-will giving.
As the world enters the end time, the devil is cleverly adapting and applying against the Church the same old strategy from his victory over Adam & Eve in the garden of Eden. With a modern kind of seemingly harmless ‘fruit’ of fig leaves, the believers and ministers not alert, have fallen prey, being defiled through agreement with him. As such many who falsely believe they are on their way to heaven, will discover otherwise.
#1 : God’s End Time Harvest
- God As A The Perfect Farmer & Harvester
- Type & Quality Of God’s Harvest In The End Time & Why
- God’s Faithfulness In Our Earthly Imperfect & Shadow Seasonal Harvest
- The Jews, The Gentile Church and The World In The End Time
- Being Lukewarm In End Time – The Characteristics
- Seven Signs Of Not Being Lukewarm In End Time
- The Composition of The Lord’s Household For His Return
- How The Lord Will Handle Various Church Denominations & Sects In End Time
#2: The End Time Significance of The Feasts of The Lord
- The End Time Seven Feasts of The Lord
- The Sabbath Feast & New Moon Into Eternity
- The Passover, Our Adoption & Benefits As God’s Children
- The Feast of The Firstfruits
- The Full Pentecost In The End Time
- The Feasts of Trumpets And Atonement In End Time
- The Feasts of Tabernacles & Harvest Ingathering In End Time
#3: The Significance of Tithing, Offering & Giving
- The Money, Wealth & Prosperity Driven Faith Being False
- The Parallel Celebration of Prosperity – Days Of Noah & Lot
- God’s Original & End Time Purpose for Offerings, Tithing, and Giving
- Understand Why Jesus & Apostles Never Taught About Tithe
- Potential Abuse of Offerings, Tithing, Giving & Money In Churches
- Why Paying Tithe & Offering Being No Guarantee For Heaven
- The Pursuit Of Hundredfold Return Versus God’s Grace, Mercy & Favor
#4: Sinners & Strangers Are Part of God’s Plan
- God’s Focus On Souls, Salvation & His Kingdom
- Why Sinners & Strangers Of All Kind Are Important To God In End Time
- The World’s Cross Over Into Beginning Of Birth Pains
- The Devils Adaptation Of Old Strategy From Eden On Believers In End Time
- The End Time Spirit of Lust Among Believers Not Of Sexual Sin
- The Fig Leave Coverings Of The World In The Church
- Silent Contamination of Ministers & Believers – old & young