End Time Countdown Messages
The “End Time Countdown Messages”, focuses on revealing the undiluted truth of God’s word for the end time. It provides clarity, removing ignorance, confusion, heresies, deception, and doubt about God’s plan. All individuals, families and churches should know. Knowledge of the truth is what sets free. The end time is also not all about doom, gloom, panic and anxiety. Celebrations will abound.
Whilst no one knows the day Jesus will appear, God does nothing until first revealing it to His servants and Prophets. There are parallels between this time and the generations of Noah and Lot. God is now revealing to us what is soon to happen on earth.
Through the first book, “The End of Time Mysteries Unveiled”, God has unveiled to this generation the coming end time shrouded in mysteries for centuries. The second book: “Finishing Strong In The End Time” reveals how to finish strong. This third book, “End Time Countdown Messages”, contains the undiluted truth to overcome end time deceptions. Many being blinded, will be pillaged and plundered by the false prophets and shepherds.
The book recounts the workings of God, His Son and Holy Spirit. It reveals end time parallels, and discusses many other areas including: Fulfillment of original Law; Making one’s election sure; Living above the Laws; Holy Spirit’s operation on the Earth; Loving God and Neighbors; The Sabbath; Saved once Forever?; Stupor, chastisement and reprobate; Obedience; Individual’s pre-creation specific assignment; The body, soul & spirit; Dormant gateways to sin; End Time Separation, Pruning & Tribulations; Believers Comfort in Gray; The pre-groundwork of false-Christ’s, prophets, shepherds and Pharisees; Deception, abominations, idolatry, blasphemy against God and His commands; The unholy trio of Satan, antichrist and false prophet; Satan’s brief achievement of age long desire for worship, and Jesus ending it forever. Church Unity; End time Money, Working, and Planning.
God by His spirit is the author and sender of these messages. The writer lives with his family in Houston, USA. He has traveled extensively over the years to many countries in Europe, Asia, the Americas, Africa, Middle East and Australia.
#1 : Not All Doom, Gloom & Anxiety
- Why End Time Is Not All Doom, Gloom & Anxiety
- The Dangers of Comfort In Gray
- The Parallels: The Past End Times vs This Coming One
- Why God So Loves Human Beings Even Before Creation
- Does God Really Have His Own Son And Why?
- The Relationship Between God, His Son And The Holy Spirit
- The Role Of The Holy Spirit On Earth In The End Time
- The Counterfeit: Unholy Trio of The Devil, His AntiChrist And False Prophet
#2 : Countdown messages
- How The Law Was Fulfilled For The End Time
- Does Grace Mean Absence of Law?
- How To Live Above The Laws In The End Time
- Loving God And Loving Our Neighbors In End Time
- The Sabbath To Stay From Creation To Eternity
- The Sabbath Day: Is There A Right Day?
- Can One Be Saved Once And/Or Not ForEver?
- What Does It Really Mean To Remain In Jesus?
- Stupor, Reprobate, Pruning vs Chastisement In End Time
- What Makes God Happy: Why Does He Demand Total Obedience?
- Why God Does Not Want Money or Sacrifice But Total Obedience?
- Why EveryOne Is Known, Loved & Called, But Not Justified?
- Discover Your Unique Purpose From Creation
- How To Prevent Abuse of God’s Gifts By Satan
#3 : Countdown messages
- The Sheep, The Ram & The Goats In The Church
- End Time Separation, Persecutions & Tribulations
- Terminating Dormant And Active Gateways To Sin
- Global Idolatry And Defilements In The End Time
- Can The Cross Become A Graven Image?
- The Parallel Between Israel and The Church In End Time
#4 : Countdown messages
- Counterfeit Prophets, Christs & Deception In The End Times
- How Deceivers Perform Miracles, Wonders & Sign?
- Recognizing True vs False Prophets in End Time
- How To Handle Positive and Negative Prophecies
- The Pharisees And False Shepherds of The End Time
- The Body, Soul & Spirit In The End Time Battles
- Unity Within The Church And Patterns, Etc
- Children In The End Time
- Working, Money, Planning and Saving In The End Time
- Why Did God Create Some Rich and some Poor
- Why Did God Create Satan & His Original Assignment?
- Why Did Satan’s fail?: His Sins, Fall And Lessons For All.
- Why Has God Allowed Satan To Remain Till The End?
God’s salvation through Jesus is for all. God does NOT delight or take pleasure that anyone should perish in the end. He wants all to come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved through Jesus. However, there are some who will refuse the truth, will refuse to understand and will continue in their rebellious ways against God till it is too late.