Being a Farmer of Souls, God will harvest and fulfill in the End Time each of the Feasts, in the order He originally commanded the Israelites of Old to celebrate. The Lord’s Sabbath, Passover, First-fruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacle & In-gathering, will be given their full meaning in the End Time.
Celebration of God’s Faithfulness has a second part. While God is the perfect farmer and harvester of Souls for the coming end time, we represent the imperfect, shadow farmers on earth. We celebrate our own seasonal harvests here on earth, as we await His appearing. God continues to faithfully provide for the harvest of crops from farms, income from employments, and profits from businesses and investments. Besides prayers, praises and songs, the Offerings, Thanksgiving, Tithing, and Generous Free-will Giving we bring before God represent our celebration, appreciation and worship of Him.
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