
Source & Purpose

The Purpose,  objective and the motivation for these End Time books is to alert everyone of the coming end of this present world and the coming Kingdom of God on earth. To alert everyone about God’s message of love, God’s open salvation for all before the window of opportunity closes, and of His coming judgment on earth.

When God acts on earth, He looks at the whole earth as one. He is One God over One Earth with billions of people. His action has no religious sentiment or bias. It is regardless of age, race, region, location, government system, religion, beliefs, or practices.  The message is for all: Atheists, Buddhist, Christians, Hindus, Jews, Moslems, Pagans, Etc.

The Lord God does nothing, on earth, until He first reveals it to His servants, (Amos 3:7). Before the flood, God revealed first to Noah. Before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, God revealed first to Abraham.  In like manner, God is again doing so now, revealing to this generation, as the end draws near.

In the old times, God had personally visited and revealed Himself to His servants, (like Abraham, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Apostle John, etc) when He had very important messages. So has God done with this author personally appearing to him. In other times, God had sent His angels to His servants with messages, and so has He done, also sending angels to appear to the author with messages. In addition, God had appeared in company of His Son and Holy Spirit to the Author. This is apart from them also communicating directly to the Author. It is not what one has done or not done to earn such visits, but by God’s divine grace and choosing. However, the author being a trained scientist has been careful to always first verify each and every information revealed to Him. They are true, accurate and beyond doubt. They have each been confirmed also with God’s written word, the Bible. Some are already being fulfilled.

Ever since the Lord began to visit, speak and show things directly to the author, he has become like God’s messenger,  to alert all on earth about the coming the end time. There is not much time left. The task is to alert all of those awaiting the trumpet call. And also to get out God’s message for the rest of the world about the coming end, while people can still be saved.

For these reasons, the author has spent a lot of personal time and resources to get these books on the end time written as received, and published so that the message can get to the whole world.

While the righteous in this generation will be saved, similar to Enoch, Noah, Abraham and others who were righteous in their generations. They need to know the time has drawn nigh for the trumpet blast. They need to be awake, alert, and ready. However, God’s concern goes beyond just them. He is concerned for the rest of the world. God has rooms in His coming Kingdom which are reserved for sinners who will repent before the end of this present world. These includes for the likes of Rahab the harlot who repents; the likes of Saul the former persecutor and enemy of the Lord’s people who repents; the likes of Lot the lukewarm who woke up from spiritual sleep and slumber at the last minute; the likes of the thief on the cross who repented just before death and was offered a place in paradise; the likes of strangers and sinners who have no knowledge about the gospel of the good news of God’s love and salvation; and the likes of the rebellious and apostate Jews to the Messiah. God has not given up on any of these groups. These are where the bulk of the harvest for the Kingdom of God will come from in the end time. The message must get to all.

The Lord had prophesied the ‘Beginning of Birth Pains for the world’ (Matthew 24;6-8). The world has now formally entered into the fulfillment. The proof for this as confirmed by the Lord to the author and are also contained in the end time books. No one on earth knows for how long the time will be, except that it has started.  However, the Lord also promised the period will be shortened for the sake of the elect, (Matthew 24:22). This period will transition according to God’s own timing into the beginning of the end, the last seven years of human rule and of the antichrist on earth. Between now and then is the small window of opportunity for the world to know and accept God’s love and salvation through His Son.

Noah preached for many years, and was only told to enter the ark seven days before the flood came finally came. Abraham and then Lot knew just the day or night before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.  For  this generation, no one knows how much longer we have. Therefore, acting while there is still the window of opportunity is of the essence.

You too can be part of this. You are invited to get the set of books for yourself and family to discover the truth. And also to be part of spreading the word on behalf of the Lord. The truth is what sets free.

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